Tuesday 8th April Club Meeting
Tuesday 8th April 2025 Club Meeting with Guest speaker Mark Tripp from Launceston Photography Group

Tuesday 13th May Club Meeting
Tuesday 13th May Club Meeting with Guest speaker Brando Durham from Launceston Camera House

Tuesday 10th June Club Meeting
Tuesday 10th June Club Meeting, Club members presentation of recent overseas trips

Tuesday 8th July Club Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 8th July Club Annual General Meeting followed by presentation and announcements of results for the Photographer of the Year and the John Shepherd Perpetual Landscape Trophy.

Tuesday 11th March Club Meeting
Tuesday 11th March Club Meeting with Guest speaker Peter Grant talking on Astrophotography, also presentation of Summer competition entries and results.

February Meeting Outdoors "UTAS - The Shed"
Meet at the new UTAS Building – “The Shed”
Cimitere St entrance (opposite City Park)

New Years Eve Fireworks
Meet at the Levee Bank in front of the Silo Hotel
Fireworks at 9.30PM and Midnight

Tuesday 10th December 2024 Christmas Meeting
Bring a plate along
Bar will be open
End of calendar year announcements and presentations for the Robert and Dorothy Mackrill trophy and the Ikin Trophy

Tuesday 12th November 2024 Club Meeting
Learning session facilitated by Howard Colvin at the Gorge, 6.30pm.

Photoshoot of Heritage buildings at the Mowbray campus of Launceston Church Grammar School
Timing excellent for the Ikin Trophy competition for a photograph of a Tasmanian heritage-listed building

Tuesday 9th July 2024 Club Meeting & AGM
The NTCC is proud to announce their 2024 End of Season presentation evening and Annual General Meeting.
Members please bring a plate of finger food.
Bar will be open 7:30-8:15 PM

Saturday 18th May Video Training Workshop
Want to learn how to take videos? This is your opportunity to get started.
Venue: Lions Club
Time: 10.00am to 3.00pm (to be confirmed).
More details will be provided in the near future.

Tuesday 14th May 2024 Club Meeting
Cam Blake is the May speaker. Cam organises photo workshops and tours around the world and conducts photography and print workshops. Some of our members are regular clients of Cam. If you wish to book a workshop with Cam please see his website https://www.camblakephotography.com.au/
Also he hosts a weekly YouTube/Podcast well worth watching with Brendan Waites https://dsps.com.au/

West Tamar Camera Club Fungi Photoshoot
Fungi shooting at Loster Creek Falls, see newsletter for more details.

Tuesday 9th April 2024 Club Meeting
Australian Steve Parish will share his amateur and professional life behind the lens as a naturalist, photographer, publisher, writer and artist, concluding with a wide-ranging Q&A on topics such as turning a passion into a driving purpose, new tech and the world of AI. Check out his website at https://www.steveparish-natureconnect.com.au/

Tuesday 12th March 2024 Club Meeting
Guest speaker is Craig George, Examiner photographer, speaking on aerial photography and drone photography.

Soggy Bottom Cardboard Box Boat Regatta
A great close-up action photography opportunity
Chance to bring the kids along and see the action.

Tuesday 13th February 2024 Club Meeting
Outside learning exercise with Howard Colvin on interesting compositions
Inveresk Tramsheds Carpark near QVMAG Entrance

Alphabet Challenge
Saturday 20th January at the Gorge
Members will be allocated a combination of seven letter and will be challenged to find and photograph items beginning with the allocated letters.
1.30 PM

2023 December Club Christmas Meeting
Tuesday 12th December at Lions Club, Merino Street, Kings Meadows at 7.00pm
Announcement of results of the Robert Mackrill, Dorothy Mackrill, and Ikin Trophy competitions
Judging of Centenary Trophy entries by members
Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway
Members are requested to bring a plate of finger food.
Bar will be open for drinks.

November 2023 Club Meeting.
Our November camera club meeting will be another of our dedicated ‘Learning’ meetings.
Club member Donn Corcoran will be telling us all about Dynamic Range and how it effects the photographs we produce….. and more.
This meeting will also include the slideshows from our Spring 2023 Seasonal Colour & Monochrome Photo Competitions.
Entries for our Christmas club competitions are due this month.
The Robert Mackrill Trophy.
Each member submits FOUR Colour digital images.
To be judged by TBA.The Dorothy Mackrill Trophy.
Each member submits FOUR Monochrome digital images.
To be judged by TBA.Members demonstrate their photographic diversity by entering images that display different photographic genres, (from the list of acceptable genres provided).
The images can be new, or ones that have previously been entered during our current competition season.
The IKIN Trophy
Each member submits up to THREE images depicting a building or structure that is listed on the current Tasmanian Heritage Register.
To be judged by TBA.Entries should be emailed to our competition convener Fiona, by 17th November 2023.

June 2023 Club Meeting.
Our June camera club meeting will be another of our dedicated ‘Learning’ meetings.
Topics to be covered on the night will be advised shortly.
No further competition entries are due this month

May 2023 Club Meeting
Our guest speaker for the evening will be the Tasmanian Architectural and Landscape photographer, Jamie Buchanan.
Jamie delights at photographing either Architecture or the wonders of the natural world.
Here is an extract from the ‘about’ page on Jamies website:
I’m an Architectural and Landscape photographer based in Hobart.
As a landscape photographer I am mesmerised by the beauty of the natural environment and love being able to capture those moments in time where the wonder of nature simply takes your breath away. Whether that be through capturing a natural phenomenon, the way the light dances on the horizon, or the vast immenseness of the galaxy in the night sky.
All forms of nature are beautiful in their own right and I seek to bring forth that beauty in the world.
You can experience Jamie’s work by visiting his Instagram Page and Website.
The evening will also include movie slideshows from our Autumn Seasonal Colour & Monochrome photo competitions, as judged by Photographic Society of Queensland accredited judges;
Jenny Graff and Victoria Purdie.

April 2023 Club Meeting.
Our April camera club meeting will be another of our dedicated ‘Learning’ meetings.
Topics to be covered on the night will be advised shortly.
Entries for our Autumn Seasonal Photo Competitions are due this month.
The theme is OPEN.
The judges for these competitions will be:
Photographic Society of Queensland accredited judges;
Jenny Graff (Colour) & Victoria Purdie (Monochrome).
Members may enter up to three projected digital images in each of the two competitions.
Entries should be emailed to our competition convener by Friday 17th April 2022.
Information on naming and sizing of image entries can be found here.
Our competition rules can be found here.

Brickendon Estate Sundowner
This organised excursion is open to all current NTCC members.
Meet outside the Brickendon Estate in the public carpark at 4:45pm.
Enjoy a late afternoon/evening stroll around this beautiful UNESCO World heritage listed estate, photographing the wonderful old buildings as well as an abundance of flora and fauna.
This is also a great opportunity for members to take images for our IKIN Trophy competition later in the year.
Here is a link to the Brickendon official website.

March 2023 Club Meeting
Our guest speaker for the evening will be the renowned underwater photographer, Matt Testoni.
Matt loves to capture the amazing world under the sea, diving beneath the waves to explore the exciting and sometimes strange world below.
Here is an extract from the ‘about’ page on Matts website:
I’m Matt Testoni and my passion is the ocean. I love diving beneath the waves and exploring the world below, where amazing and strange creatures live.
I had been diving for over 5 years before I even thought about capturing life underwater. Before that, I would occasionally dive with a common action camera, taking bad videos of playful seals, old shipwrecks, or Grey Nurse Sharks gliding along the ocean floor. To me diving was more about the freedom of the ocean.
It was when I started training as a dive instructor that I bought my first camera, ready for a two week stint working on the Great Barrier Reef. It was a small waterproof point-and-shoot camera with a basic waterproof housing. Taking photos soon became an obsession; a new housing and strobe was added, then a new camera, another strobe, a focus light… Yet, even though my camera collection was growing and changing, it is still the ocean that is my real fascination. Through my photography I want to capture the amazing world under the sea, and hopefully, to inspire and provoke the same feelings of freedom and awe that I get from exploring the world of the ocean.
Currently I use an Olympus OMDEM1 with various lens depending on the situation. I do use the old setup out of nostalgia occasionally.
You can experience Matts work by visiting his Facebook Page and Website.
The evening will also include movie slideshows from our Summer Seasonal Colour & Monochrome photo competitions, as judged by Photographic Society of Queensland accredited judges;
Dan Demy-Geroe & Warren Veivers.

February 2023 Club Meeting
Our February camera club meeting will be another of our dedicated ‘Learning’ meetings.
This meeting will not be held at our normal venue of the Lions Club, but will instead be held at Seaport, Riverbend Park and the Silo Hotel in Launceston.
We will meet at the footbridge between Riverbend Park and Seaport at the slightly earlier time of 6:30pm.
It will be predominantly a ‘hands-on’ practical meeting, so members are asked to bring along their camera bags and tripods.
This month Howard and I will be discussing image composition and the benefits of looking at subjects from different angles and perspectives. We will also be looking at scene selection and looking for images that you might normally walk straight past.
The evening will start with a brief workshop and then members will be able to explore the location and take photographs using the information they have received in the workshop.