The NTCC is proud to announce their 2021 End of Season presentation evening and Annual General Meeting.
Our planned Activities include:
2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Election of president, club officers and committee members.
Presidents and Treasurers reports.
Other announcements.
Presentation of trophies/certificates and projected slideshows of the competition entries.
The Frank Styant Browne Memorial Trophy.
Awarded to the NTCC Colour Photographer of the Year.
The member who has scored the highest aggregate score from our Seasonal Colour Competitions during the 2020-2021 season.
The Florence Perrin Memorial Trophy.
Awarded to the NTCC Monochrome Photographer of the Year.
The member who has scored the highest aggregate score from our Seasonal Monochrome Competitions during the 2020-2021 season.
The Frederick Smithies Memorial Trophy.
Awarded for the Colour Photograph of the Year.
Judged by Scott Gelston.
The Geoffrey Pattison Memorial Trophy.
Awarded for the Monochrome Photograph of the Year.
Judged by Paul Scambler.
The John Shepherd Memorial Trophy for Landscape Images.
Awarded to the judges choice ‘Landscape’ themed image.
Judged by Felix Staub.